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Can I Lose and Control my Weight Without Exercise?


I’m William (Bill) Anderson, the psychotherapist who discovered Therapeutic Psychogenics, the successful method in behavioral medicine to lose weight permanently. I was s0 happy when I learned that I could solve my weight problem without having to exercise. In my prior “fat”  life, I was over 300 lbs. and everything I did was painful. I hated exercise my whole life, since I was a kid in gym class. The idea that I needed to exercise to lose and control my weight, which was something that all the “experts” said I needed to do, was so discouraging. So, it was a great relief when I found that exercise didn’t really do much to help with weight, and I could lose weight and control it even if I couldn’t exercise.

Here’s the facts: to lose weight, you need to have habits where you undereat, eating an average of fewer calories than you burn. Say you burn 2000 calories a day, you’d need to average less than that. To avoid gaining weight, you need to have habits where you don’t average over 2000. To lose a pound a week, the cumulative deficit has to add up to 3500 calories. Here’s the deal with exercise: If you go out and bust your butt with an hour walk, you only burn an extra 300 calories or so. That’s less than a donut or bagel’s worth of calories! No wonder I used to gain weight when I exercised! I’d exercise, think I should be able to have a donut now, eat one and cancel out the exercise, then have another and gain!  Lots of people gain weight when they exercise because they feel like they deserve to eat and then they have thousands more a day! If you look at the calories in the stuff you eat, you’ll see. Exercise is of no value in weight control if your eating is out of control, which is the real problem for most of us.

Getting the eating right, so that it becomes easy and automatic is no easy trick. That’s where behavioral medicine comes in. Change won’t happen by accident, and most of the so-called “experts” have no clue how its done. It’s not done with “will power”. Neither will diet pills or weight loss products help you succeed. Its done with Therapeutic Psychogenics, a method in behavioral medicine, and that’s what my program and my book, The Anderson Method, is about. It’s not a trick and there’s work involved, but the objective is to make it so weight control becomes habitual, second nature. Many clients do say it’s become easy.

So, exercise doesn’t do any good for weight control if the eating is out of control; and exercise is not necessary by any means to lose weight and keep it off. That being said, exercise is important and necessary for good health. But for weight loss, no.

For all the details on how to succeed at permanent weight loss, read my book, The Anderson Method, or call one of my therapists. I’m training therapists now all over the country to provide my counseling and therapy, in places like Atlanta and North Carolina, not just here in Sarasota. Follow us and change your life for the better and for good.

Is There Any Way to Change My Metabolism?

Sorry to inform you, but unless you have a metabolic disorder there is no way, other than changing your activity habits, to increase your metabolism.

Rest assured that you can succeed at weight control, but to get started, you’ll need to accept the fact that you’ll need to habitually eat less than you’ve been eating.  That’s what my program of counseling, therapy and training helps people to do. You might think it’s impossible or at least very hard to change, but as long as you postpone working to change how you eat, you will remain overweight or more likely, keep gaining.

In order to solve your weight problem, you’ll need to create habits where you habitually eat the right number of calories instead of habits where you overeat, eating too many calories. It can be done, with the right technique. Some clients say it’s easy with these techniques. However, those are the ones I’ve seen working hard for what they want.

If you suspect that you have a low metabolism because of a metabolic disorder, go to your doctor or clinic to get tested. The doctors who specialize in this are called endocrinologists, and they can test your blood for hypothyroidism as well as other disorders, and measure your metabolic rate with devices called calorimeters. Getting tested will relieve your mind of wondering, and will result in either correcting a metabolic imbalance, or letting you know that there is no problem other than having an overeating habit that needs to be changed.

Taking drugs, pills or weight loss products to try to “boost” your metabolism, as if taking cocaine, speed or something to make yourself hyperthyroid will help, is a bad idea that can ruin your life. Don’t do it.

I lost 140 lbs. when I discovered my methods over 25 years ago, and I’ve kept it off without too much difficulty. I’ve trained thousands to do the same, written a book about it, and now I train other therapist too. Follow me to solve your weight problem and change your life for the better in ways you haven’t dreamed of.

Please read all my web pages listed on the menu above, and all my articles listed on the table of contents below.


So, I’m going to try this blog thing. I’m William (Bill) Anderson, the psychotherapist who discovered Therapeutic Psychogenics when I lost 140 lbs. 1n 1983 after 25 years of obesity and failure with diets and exercise schemes. I’ve kept it off for over 25 years now and helped thousands to succeed at weight loss with The Anderson Method. Now, I’m training others to do this counseling and therapy all over the country in places like Atlanta and North Carolina as well as here in Sarasota. What will I write? When I’ve done radio and TV call-ins, there are always more calls than I can take, and now I’m starting to get emails from readers who have questions. So, I figure my blog will be an “Ask Bill” opportunity for me to answer the specific questions that readers and other interested people have about working the method and losing weight for life. 

Please send me your questions.