William Anderson a ChooseHelp.com Expert in their “Ask the Expert” Q&A’s

In it’s infancy, before it became a national clearinghouse for mental health and addiction treatment information, ChooseHelp.com asked me to write for their Q&A “Ask the Expert” column.

Martin Schoel, founder of ChooseHelp.com, envisioned a website that would provide resource information for people looking for help with mental health and addiction problems.  I had been working and publishing in the field since the mid-1980’s and he liked what I had been doing. He asked me if I would consider being a featured expert in their Q&A “Ask the Expert” columns. Here is the result:  http://www.choosehelp.com/profile/TheAndersonMethod . This is my “Expert Page” on their website. My latest Q&A’s are at the bottom of the page. Explore the whole site to see what is there.

I’m glad I said, “Yes”. His website has proved to be a very professionally done work, attracting many professional helpers and many people seeking help so that they can meet on common ground to find each other and accomplish important work. I know that even in it’s early life, ChooseHelp.com has helped many people, mitigated a lot of suffering and promoted a lot of healing.

I am listed as an expert in depression, anxiety disorders, mental illness, addictions, alcoholism, eating disorders and,  of course, weight loss.  Martin has kept me busy, too busy sometimes, answering the growing avalanche of questions coming in from people needing help and not knowing what to do. He laughed when I said I liked being the “Dear Abby” in this realm. I know what’s it’s like to be sitting by yourself, needing help, and being stuck. To be able to provide the right words, at the right time, to people sitting at their computers and otherwise stuck,  is a blessing. I know that sometimes, sending a text is all people have the energy to do.  In this age, like no other, even that little act can actually get people going in the right direction because of what ChooseHelp.com is doing. It’s a miracle, compared to the days I began working in the field.

Please take a look at what Martin has created: http://www.choosehelp.com/

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